The Steering Wheel
President’s Message from BEV MARTEL, CPA-PCA President
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying life and your Porsches.
I have found myself saying “WOW” many times lately. “WOW” this car is the best, “WOW” this food is delish, “WOW” I love these grandboys, “WOW” look at that sky. What makes you say “WOW”?
As our club continues to expand our experiences together, what has been your favorite? We have had ice cream drives, social breakfasts, tech sessions like never before, plus other fun times of togetherness. If you have anything you would like to see our club to try, reach out to me, or any of the board members or committee chairs. (Contact info for them is available here.) PCA also offers many activities available to members. They are also well planned, and fun filled. Be sure to register as soon as available.
November is election month. I know you’re thinking “we aren’t supposed to discuss politics,” but I am. The Central PA Porsche Club holds an election every year. This year we have a full slate of nominations that give you all a say in the leadership of our club. You will see the slate of officers to choose from when your ballot arrives by email at the beginning of the month. Please vote!!!! This is your club, and we want to represent you.
Remember, Life is Good and Definitely “WOW” worthy.
Bev Martel, President
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